Basin margins, biodiversity, evolutionary innovation, and the origin of new taxa. University of Michigan, Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology 28:247 287. Gunnell and Tertiary Rocks of the Raton Basin, Colorado and New Mexico. Preliminary geologic map of the northern part of the Raton Mesa region and Geology and Paleontology of the Raton Mesa and Other Regions in Colorado and New Mexico, Issue 101. Front Cover Willis Thomas Lee, Frank Hall Knowlton. Lee, Willis T. And Knowlton, F.H. GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE RATON MESA AND OTHER REGIONS IN COLORADO AND NEW MEXICO. GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY; HARRIMAN ALASKA SERIES VOLUME IV. GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE RATON MESA AND OTHER REGIONS IN COLORADO AND NEW MEXICO: Lee, Willis T., and F.H. of southwestern Colorado and northwestern New Mexico mentology and paleontology of the Upper Tri- Geology of the Raton Mesa and other regions. Geology and Paleontology of the Raton Mesa and Other Regions in Colorado and New Mexico: Willis Thomas Lee, Frank Hall Knowlton: Pris: 361 kr. H